State Primers
After extensive research and compilation of data, Ungender and Nikore Associates have prepared state-wise “Gender Primers” for all the states of India. In brief, these primers measure gender disparities in each state through the performance of men and women over the years across key thematic areas like livelihood, education, health, gender budgeting, violence against women, and agency. Each primer has a “Best Practices” section highlighting the schemes introduced by the respective State Government, which have been deemed effective in bridging the gender gap. The year-wise comparison of women’s performance as compared to men in each indicator helps determine the success of the schemes undertaken by the government of each state. A brief analysis has been added for each chart, for a better understanding of the indicators. Hence, the 6-page primers are simple, short and practical guides that will allow leaders across organisations in different states to self-assess their firms in terms of gender inclusivity. Based on the uniqueness of the above-mentioned features, it is evident that the gender primers give a comprehensive and holistic overview of the gender divide in India by focusing on individual states, thematic areas and indicators therein; and delving into the most effective methods to bridge the gender gap in each state.
Published: 15th March 2022

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Primer at a Glance

State Profiles

Press Release
Indicator Wise Databank